Unlock your teams performance levels. Identify player’s strengths and weaknesses, create long term athlete development plans. Train like a Pro!


unparalleled insight into
human performance

Team & Player Profiling

Objective analysis of players strengths and weaknesses to develop programs guaranteed to improve their performance levels.

Player Talent Identification

Identify players potential and determine their optimum playing positions based on thier physical capacity and your teams' playing style.

Injury Risk Assessments

Identify possible risk factors for teams and players to reduce injury occurences and improve players' availability for competition and training.


To Improving Your Team's Performance

Performance Testing

Utilizing force plate technology to test your athletes physiological performance levels against the team and professional players at their own stage of development

Team & Player Programs

A complete training program for on-field and off-field training customized to ensure players can physically match your tactical guidance

Training Load Management

Monitor how players adapt or maladapt to training and competition to create tailored recovery strategies to optimize player and team performance levels

Sports Nutrition Coaching

Providing your players with the necessary information to make better nutritional choices to optimize recovery and consitently perform at their best

A Data-Driven Approach to Sports Performance

Our Performance Test

  • Strength
  • Power 
  • Balance
  • Assymetries
  • Agility
  • Acceleration
  • Sprint Speed
  • Reaction Time



A cost effective solution to provide your academy with access to the latest sport development technology to transform your players, coaches and club


All our packages include a complete pysical assesment of your team, providing coaches and players with insight into your teams performance levels. 

The physical demands of football continues to evolve with players needing to be faster and more agile now more than before. It is important that your players are prepared for the modern game.

No, our goal is to work with coaches and academies to build a sustainable long term athletic development program by giving them the knowledge and tools to succeed.